"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
- Jim Elliot

My family and I are committed to our assignment with Burning Hearts, which is to prepare the body of Christ by establishing an environment of prayer & worship, labouring towards the coming of our Lord through discipling the community with the gospel. The work we do is enabled through the support and partnership with people who believe in the mandate of our family. Below are a few ways you can partner with us.

Monthly Support

Your monthly support enables us to focus on the assignment and sustain our effort to labour as a family. The recurring support allows us forecast and budget our living and ministry expenses as a family. With a consistent support, we give more attention and effort towards the assignment instead of fund-raising.

Seed Fund

A seed fund is a one-time giving without any form of financial commitment. These seeds that you sow will give us courage to nurture and sustain the work given to us as a family. What you are seeding into is a vison for the next generation and the impact in the nations.

Thank you so much for your willingness and generosity to partner with the Lord together with our family to advance the gospel and to hasten the return of Jesus.

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  • OCBC 360 Account: 687-327742-001 (Chua Pheng Ghee)

  • Cheque payable: Chua Pheng Ghee (with the above acct no.)
